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[XenGenTr] Forum istatistik 📊 sistemi V4 - English Language Patch

[XenGenTr] Forum istatistik 📊 sistemi V4 - English Language Patch 1.0.0

indirmek için izniniz yok
Uyumlu XF 2 Sürümleri
  1. 2.2.X
  2. 2.1.X
[XenGenTr] Forum istatistik 📊 sistemi V4 - English Language Patch
Hello, [XGT] Forum statistics addon is the forum statistics system preferred by users around the world. Thank you for your interest in our addon. We provide xenforo support for our users located in Turkey.​
For this reason, we did not publish English language support. But we see that [XGT] Forum statistics add-on's are used all over the world. We did not want to remain indifferent to this situation.​
We would like to publish this add-on in all languages, but this would be quite difficult for us. Since English is a universal language, we decided to release the add-on with English language support.​
If you would like to have this plugin royalty-free;​
XGT Forum statistics - Options XenGenTr Style Test Forumu - Admin control panel.png

How to install the language patch?
Extract the language file you downloaded to the zip file and click on the Languages link under Admincp -> Appearance tab. Click the Import button on the right side. Select the language file we downloaded by clicking the select file button. Select the overwrite language option and select English or whichever language you want to print on from the selection field and click the import button at the bottom.​
Screenshot 2023-07-14 at 08-50-36 XGT Forum statistics contents XenGenTr Style Test Forumu - A...png
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Foruma hoş geldin 👋, Ziyaretçi

Forum içeriğine ve tüm hizmetlerimize erişim sağlamak için foruma kayıt olmalı ya da giriş yapmalısınız. Foruma üye olmak tamamen ücretsizdir.